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11-3-10 Ordinance Committee
George Ferguson, Chair
James S. Belden
Jeffrey A. Capeci
Mary Ann Jacob
Robert Merola
Richard Woycik

Legislative Council Ordinance Committee
Minutes (Draft) and Motions for Meeting of November 3, 2010
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Committee Members  Present:  James Belden, Jeff Capeci, George Ferguson, Mary Ann Jacob, Robert Merola, Richard Woycik

The meeting was called to order at 7:34 p.m.

Public Participation
There were no members of the public present

Review and Approval of Minutes

Ms. Jacob moved to approve the minutes of September 16, 2010.  Mr. Merola seconded the motion.  Approved unanimously.

Discussion and possible action the following Ordinances:

An Ordinance to Protect Children –  Ms. Jacob indicated that in discussing the status of the Orchard Hill property it was determined that it was Town open space but managed by Parks and Recreation.  Mr. Sibley informed Ms. Jacob that increasingly the Town’s open space is being used for recreation by children and adults.  He thought it was worth discussing having the Town’s open space properties be subject to the proposed Ordinance.  Ms. Jacob proposed and the Committee agreed to invite Mr. Sibley to come in for a discussion.  George Ferguson will invite Mr. Sibley to a future meeting.  Ms. Jacob will contact Chief Kehoe to get his thoughts.  Ms. Jacob will also contact the GIS department for another map so we can see what the enforcement area will look like with open space added.  

It was noted by Mr. Capeci that he was recently contacted by the Hartford Courant because Newtown is one of the communities that has or is working on this type of legislation.  Mr. Capeci indicated he would re-distribute the article which discusses some of the issues surrounding these types of legislations.

Fire Lane Ordinance – Mr. Capeci distributed a revised copy of the Ordinance that had been reviewed by the Law Firm of Cohen and Wolf.  The Committee is now satisfied with the Legislation and George Ferguson will send it to Fire Commissioner for  review.   If it is acceptable to the Fire Commissioner then we’ll move it forward.

Health Insurance Board or Trust Ordinance – Mr. Capeci presented two documents.  One that was submitted to Pat Llodra, Bob Tait, Janet Robinson and Bill Hart for review.  The second was a proposed revision of the first prepared by Mr. Tait.  The Committee conducted a reconciliation of the two documents.  Mr. Capeci will be seek additional information from Mr. Tait and will prepare a revised document for review by the Committee.

Acquisition of Conservation Easements for Open Space though abatement of taxes –  No discussion or action was taken at this time pursuant to the Conservation Commission’s request.  

Discussion of the process for undertaking a Charter mandated bi-annual review of  Regulation 4, Chapter 90, Newtown Code Book, regarding Town of Newtown Purchasing and Bidding Procedures (Updates on actions)  The Committee discussed this briefly and Mr. Ferguson asked Mr. Merola to review the information to begin to move forward this item forward.  

No  recommendations of actions were made to be brought before the Newtown Legislative Council and or the public

There are presently four Ordinances in process.  

Discussion of Future Meeting Dates
The members agreed that the next meeting of the Ordinance Committee will take place on November 9, 2010  at 7:30 p.m.

Public Participation
No members of the public were present.

New Business

There was not new business brought before the Committee at this time.


Jeff Capeci moved to adjourn.  MaryAnn Jacob seconded.  Vote unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.